Screw plan B

☠️ Screw plan B.

Plan Bs can be a crutch for entrepreneurs. A way to justify mediocrity and buffer against failure.

🧯Here’s why: when you know you have a secure fallback plan (think comfortable steady job or unemployment benefits) you may be focusing more on the downfalls of plan A, instead of looking at solutions to keep pivoting.

This means you’re not as laser-focused and more likely to give up when things get tough.

👀 Sounds a tad provocative? You’re right -ish.

🏃🏻‍♀️ Hear me out, no plan B doesn’t mean no “worse case scenario”. It means giving yourself the runway to take a risk, and to trust that you’ll put every bit of effort into achieving what you’ve set out to achieve. Having a “worse case scenario” could for instance allow you to sustain yourself more modestly while continuing to pursue A. It doesn’t mean abandoning when you’re starting to encounter pushbacks.

🏡 As long as you’re not taking a livelihood-threatening risk (as in, “no longer having a roof over your head”), don’t give yourself an out. Focus on A.

🌳 For over a year, I’ve planted trees, cut wood and gave environmental workshops from 9 to 5 to sustain myself – so that outside I could pursue my goal of becoming a photographer & photojournalist.

Haven’t been too disappointed so far.


📸 Dr. Jaimee Swift, founder of Black Women Radicals
#photographie #photography #entrepreneurship

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