Paola is a French photojournalist and documentary photographer based in New York City and member of Women Photograph. With a degree in Political Science and Urban Development, she began her career in the public and development sector before transitioning to photojournalism in 2020. She relocated to Montreal in 2021, covering news for AFP and various media outlets, and  graduated in May 2023 from the Documentary Practice & Visual Journalism program at the International Center of Photography, where she received the Director's Fellowship. There, she developed her project "Silent Radar" which explores the liminal space between physical and virtual reality, collaborating with users of the VRChat platform. Recently, she has worked with The New York Times, the Washington Post, New York Magazine and The New Republic. Finally, she is an assistant to Eliane Laffont (editor and curator, co-founder of the Sygma agency), working on the archive of her husband, the photojournalist Jean-Pierre Laffont. 

Paola recently founded a mentorship program for women photographers: Stories Not Singles.

Available for assignments.

Contact information: / +1 (332) 254-4821


Editorial clients: The New York Times, the Washington Post, New York Magazine, The New Republic, AFP (Agence France Presse), Le Devoir, Pivot Québec...

Organisations: French Ministry of Ecology, MSF (Doctors Without Borders), Le Wagon coding school...


2024. Dior Award for Photography and Visual Arts for Young Talents laureate / Exhibition at LUMA, Arles

2024. New York Portfolio Review, NYC

2023. Homecoming 2022 & 2023 Collective exhibition, RIT City Space, Rochester, NY

2023. CPOY. Finalist in the Portrait category / Award of Excellence in the Portait category / Award of Excellence in the Interpretive Eve category

2023. Lenscratch Student Prize. Honorable Mention

2023. Photoville. 'Change: the urban and natural landscape' - in collaboration with ASMP, NYC

2023. "Breaking more boundaries" group exhibition, Culture Lab LIC, NYC 

2023. Lucie Foundation - The Portrait Project Take Two. Finalist in the B/W category

2023. 'Lifelines' OYC group exhibition, International Center of Photography, NYC

2023. Women Street Photographers annual exhibition, NYC

2022. Selection in the 2022 Pride Project by Feminist and Art Feminist // Online exhibition + Artist Feature

2022. Trophée Femmes d'Impact laureate - artist category

2022. Laureate of the Pic for Change contest by Pic&Pick // Group exhibition at the Polka Factory, Paris, France

2020. 2 Honorable Mentions at the Paris Photography Awards (1)

2020. Jury's pick and 3rd people's choice award, "Saveurs d'Australie" Contest, Wipplay

2017. Directed "Undocumented", a short documentary film about 'La Colmena' a Staten Island organization helping undocumented immigrants find safe day labor. Selected in the "social impact" category of the MegaCities ShortDocs competition.


2024. IWMF Newsroom Safety Training

2023. Eddie Adams Workshop XXXVI 

2023. Documentary Photography & Visual Journalism, International Center of Photography (ICP), New York - Dean's scholarship

2016. Master in Urban Governance, Sciences Po

2014. Bachelor in Political Science, Sciences Po Bordeaux

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